Hi stranger,
I want to tell you something,
More like confess;
You don’t know this but,
I think about you.
I have a great urge
To call you
And hear your soothing voice
And listen to your endless stories;
I want to come and see you
To make my heart happy!
But then I get cold feet
I get scared to reach out to you;
Not because I can’t
But because of boundaries!
I don’t want to overstep my boundaries
I want to stay in my lane
For I know
Your love is not mine
Your heart belongs to another
It’s sold, packaged and delivered to another
And I don’t want to compete with another.
I don’t know what we are;
Our relationship is not defined
I like it that way though,
I don’t want to complicate it more than it is already,
My heart wants to stay at a safer distance;
From yours
Waiting on you,
Is like waiting on a love that will never suffice
For you are mentally stimulating;
Our conversations,
Make my mind get an orgasm
And I’m afraid
That I could be a casualty
Of your charming personality!
Letters To Temptation.

S. F!!!! This is captivating…. So real.
Aaaaaw thanks SF.
Nice one
“Make my mind get an orgasms”. Mambo mbayaaaaa😂😂😂
Thanks Ken
Aaaah woman tukunywe tu
Niceeee read
My muse is awake now, niwakunywe na straw ama?
Thanks so much.
What a great choice of words!
Thanks Lenny
This one’s so provokingly entertaining. Watch out, there might be another piece response. 😂😂
Bring it on, Cecil. I’m up for a good challenge 😊
Another awesome one Judy,
Thanks Ris