2017 ITS A WRAP! 

I have learnt the value of spending time with myself, knowing myself on a deeper  level, mastering my self. I have come to enjoy time with my self to the point that I now long for it, yearn for it and crave for it. I have mastered the art of silence,  listening to the voice of God,  sounds of nature, meditation. I have treasured relaxation, letting go of everything and just breathing. I have tried to pray,  at least twice a day. I must confess I’m still not a master at this,  but I plan to try; to do my best. I have learnt to master my weaknesses, that way I can master my strength. I have come to appreciate the value of life,  the grace to rise every morning, I’ve learnt to treasure each moment,  to embrace every moment. I don’t take it for granted anymore.

I’ve understood the value of service. Service rendered with a pure heart, with no expectations whatsoever. I’ve known that what matters in service is helping the other person with no reservation and I’ve understood that it’s fulfilling, satisfying in fact. That’s what counts at the end if the day.  As much as it could be challenging, demanding and even tempting, if you have the heart, you will be contented at the end of the day. I’ve learnt to treasure the company of colleagues, the value of teamwork, embracing people with different School of thoughts from mine; the importance of tolerance in the workplace. 

I’ve appreciated the importance of change. It might be just what you need to start over, to see the other side of life,  to value the things that you have, to appreciate cultural diversity in our country and to understand the importance of coexistence. I’ve learnt to embrace change even if I don’t expect it, I’ve understood that it could be God’s way of answering a prayer. Blessings may come in abundance but may require sacrifice; change and acceptance. I’ve Learnt to accommodate people that are different from me, they are unique in their own way. I’ve learnt to adapt to new environments, new situations, new people and a different way of life. 

I’ve conquered the fear to take responsibility, to handle tasks that may look difficult to execute at first and to face life head on. I’ve come to accept my mistakes, to take responsibility for my actions, learn and grow from them. I’ve understood that planning is key, that preparation is key before tackling any task or situation. I’ve learnt to trust my gut, to  pray and seek God’s consent before making an important decision. I’ve learnt not to make irrational decisions especially when I’m angry or upset,  I’ve come to understand that the decisions I make may affect the lives of the people around me and the people I love.

I’m trying to learn how to obey authority. It’s not easy for me but somehow I’m getting by. I’m trying to curb my quality of doing that which I want. I have now understood that people need to follow laws and that laws need to be there to govern people, to help society function appropriately. I’m having a little struggle with keeping time, after all I’m not a morning person. Sometimes I  want to sleep longer but then I fight that temptation. I realize that I asked God for the things I have now and that I have to work my ass off to show Him that I really deserve that and more. He has been with me, God that is. He has been very faithful, walking with me through the struggles and showing me the way. 

I’m still trying to get used to being around people all day, I was never really into that. See, I’ve always been a loner,  keeping to myself most of the time. Now I have to be out all days of the week, associate with people, talk to people,  listen to people, accept their opinions without imposing my own opinions on them. Of course I’m trying to learn to listen more and talk less, to really understand what they are trying to communicate. I’m learning not to be too quick to judge, to learn more about people and their circumstances, their backgrounds and appreciating the diversity in humanity. 

I cannot forget to mention that I’m still praying for patience, at least a little more. I’m not so good at that.  As much as I know it’s not a virtue of mine. I’ve grown a lot in these, I cannot forget to acknowledge that, at least it confirms that my prayers are being heard. I am positive that it will get better with time. I’m also struggling with fear, fear of the unknown mostly but I’m also trying to master faith so that I can conquer fear. At least I’m learning to eliminate thoughts of Fear from my mind and instead replace them with peaceful thoughts, reassuring thoughts and comforting ones. 

I’m hoping to be a better writer, to get more insight, to go deeper into my heart and soul and reconnect with my creativity. To understand the source of my motivation and the direction my writing is taking. Sometimes I doubt if I’m doing enough, investing in this passion enough or maybe I’m still tasting the waters. I know what I hope to achieve in terms of writing but sometimes I wonder if I really know how to go about it. I know God will reveal it to me in due time, after all I’m supposed to trust the journey, ain’t I? I’m not worried about that, nor the future I know God’s will will always prevail and I hope his will prevails in my writing.

To achieve absolute positive thinking is my main desire and not just achieve it but practicing it as well, living it.  I’m on my way there at least I have the will and the way, I just need to internalize it and it will eventually actualize.  It’s not easy, that’s for sure, but I’m willing to do more so I can be more. So I’m trying to feed my mind with positive thoughts, positive sceneries, positive ideas. I’m trying to seek spiritual transcendence, to understand God on a personal level, to build a relationship with Him for I know I cannot achieve total positivity without God being part of the deal. 


Thought conditioning can be described as a process of filling your mind with thoughts of a certain nature so that they can replace the existing thought pattern. They can be spiritual or simply positive thoughts; these thoughts can change the view of one towards life. Thought conditioning has to be done consistently so that the thoughts can stick to your subconscious conscious and eventually become part of what you believe in and the principles you live by.
Norman Vincent Peale the proprietor of thought conditioners defines thought conditioning as a process of filling your mind with spiritual words so that they can sink from your conscious to your subconscious mind by a process of spiritual osmosis; thus conditioning your personality with spiritual power and sensitivity that God’ s will can operate in you.

A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.- Marcus Aurelius

I have learnt that we can change the quality of our lives by changing the quality of our thoughts. Every battle is either won or lost first in the mind. Whatever you feed your mind with is always materialized in your actions. If you believe you are a failure at anything then you will definitely fail at doing that thing. Happiness begins from the mind. You cannot expect to be happy if you keep passing unhappiness producing thoughts through your mind. What you think, you become. If you think unhappy, you become that; if you think failure, you can be darn sure that you will fail at anything you do.

There is so much power in our minds for us to harness. If we only knew how much control we can have over our lives, our happiness and even our health, then we would endeavour to practice thought conditioning. The body cannot be healthy if the mind is unhealthy. Sickness begins from the mind, if the mind is troubled then the body will feel the weight. If you are ailing; you need to trace the root of your illness back to your mind. If your mind concedes defeat and gives in to the unhealthy thought pattern, then the body feels the effect. You can choose to live by the principle of MIND OVER BODY or BODY OVER MIND. Whichever you choose to live by, make sure it gives you the quality of life that you are looking for.

…Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind….Romans 12: 2

For you to have power over the quality of thoughts that pass through your mind, you must learn to filter out the things that go through your ears, the content that you read, the conversations you take part in, the type of materials that you watch and the kind of people that you hang around. Norman Vincent Peale in his book The Power Of Positive Thinking says that the life of inner peace , being harmonious and without stress is the easiest type of existence. He says that the chief struggle then in gaining mental peace is the effort of revamping your thinking to the relaxed attitude of acceptance of God’s gift of peace.
If you want to achieve a peaceful state of mind and body, you need to practice the technique of suggestive articulation I.e. repeating audibly some peaceful words. These words can include but not limited to Serenity and tranquility. You must learn to repeat saying these words or other positive words daily; in the morning when you wake up and at night before falling asleep. Try thinking of an environment that is full of tranquility, ambience and a lot of peace. Let it take over your mind. You can even practice the art of silence. Go alone to the quietest place you can find and sit in silence for at least fifteen minutes. For those fifteen minutes, do not think of anything and if you must, think as little as possible. Throw your mind into neutral and conceive of it as the surface of a body of water and see how nearly quiet you can make it, so that there is not a ripple. When you have attained a quiescent state, then begin to listen to the deeper sounds of harmony and beauty and of God that are to be found in the essence of silence. Train your mind to be in sync with voice of nature then your body will ultimately follow suit. You can listen to the chirping sounds of the birds, the blowing wind, you can even lay on the ground and listen. God controls nature, thus being in sync with nature makes you in sync with the rhythm of God.

Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves- Thomas Carlyle

They say that a peaceful concept is oil on troubled thoughts. When you are in a group conversation and it takes a trend that is upsetting, try to inject a peaceful idea/ concept into the talk and you will notice how it counteracts the nervous tensions in the group. Therefore if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind, you must learn to watch your manner of speech. You may have noticed that conversations filled with expressions of unhappy expectations in the morning, often sets the tone of the day.
The words we speak have a direct and definite effect on our thoughts. Thoughts create words, but words also affect thoughts and help to condition attitudes. What often passes for thinking starts with talk. Therefore if the average conversation is scrutinized and disciplined to be sure that it contains peaceful expressions, the result will be peaceful ideas and ultimately a peaceful mind.
Norman Vincent Peale says that if you saturate your thoughts with peaceful experiences, peaceful words and ideas, then ultimately you will have a storehouse of peace producing experiences to which you may turn for refreshment and renewal of your spirit. This will be a vast source of power. Remember; the easiest way to an easy mind is to create an easy mind.

No man or woman of my acquaintance who knows how to practice silence and does it has ever been sick to my knowledge. I have noticed that my own afflictions come upon me when I do not balance expression with relaxation.
-Starr Daily.


I believe in God, the father Almighty. Creator of everything in the universe, the source of all power, strength, wisdom and knowledge. In Him we live (have vitality) and move (have dynamic energy) and have our being (attain completeness). He is the source of atomic energy, physical energy and even spiritual energy. Even the Bible affirms that in Isaiah 11:31; ‘but they that await upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint.’
For one to attain complete strength, strength that doesn’t wear out, the answer is simple; you only need to believe in the power of God. He is the one that energizes and re-energizes us. Through him we gain the ability to think, to work and even move.
By believing in the power of God, you allow him to take over your being, your thought process and your spiritual being. When you establish contact with God, you allow him to take care of your personality, to renew the right spirit within you each time that you come short; but when this contact is broken, the personality is depleted in mind, spirit and body. You become like a machine that cannot function when it’s disconnected from the power source. In our lives, God is the power source. Everything begins and ends with him. For one to have constant energy, the mental, spiritual and physical need to work harmoniously.

When you pass an energy producing thought through your mind it affects the spiritual being and also the physical. That only means one thing; that with God in your life you learn that having a sound religious life is key. When this is achieved, you attain complete spiritual energy and when your spiritual energy is in constant supply, you learn to trust in the power of God. This enables you to get rid of the fear factor in your life. Where there is God, there is faith and where FAITH resides there is no room for fear.
Fear is the most powerful of all forces with one exception only and that is faith; master fear and you will ultimately master faith.

The Bible tells us that we only need to have faith as little as a mustard seed and that little faith can move mountains. So when you establish contact with God the Almighty, he gives you the peace that surpasses all understanding; he gives you a sound spiritual life and with a firm faith in Him you learn to believe in his promises. This belief brings about peace of mind. Thus a sound spiritual life begets a sound mental state and as we all know everything begins in the mind. When you are in a peaceful mental state, you have constant mental energy and with no room for fear; you overcome negativity and cultivate a positive mental environment which in return begets a positive physical state.

Therefore for one to attain a positive life you need to attain a positive mindset. A positive mindset only results from a sound spiritual life. A sound spiritual life on the other hand needs one to apply religious principles and practices continuously. And just like any science they need to be practiced constantly to endure that the contact established with God is maintained and grows. This contact enables one to get rid of fear worry and doubt. It makes one consult God at any time of the day. When you make God a part of your mental, spiritual and physical being he becomes your partner ; and just like any other partner in life you will learn to consult him before making any decisions.
With God as your partner, your confidence will shoot up. you will believe in yourself because you believe in Him. When you master faith, you will always expect the best and you will definitely attain any goals that you allow Him to set for you.
Fret not, be still and know that He is God.